@techcrunch.com 1 year ago
Kasha raises $21M Series B led by Knife Capital to expand health access platform across Africa
@eff.org 1 year ago
A Year Since Dobbs, The Fight For Reproductive Privacy and Information Access Continues
@slashgear.com 1 year ago
Tech Inventions That Changed The Health Industry Forever
@TysonLester 1 year ago
Via @HealthTechMag: "Healthcare Systems: Make #Cybersecurity a Top Priority." https://healthtechmagazine.net/article/2021/11/why-healthcare-systems-need-make-cybersecurity-top-priority "Average hospital rooms contain 15-20 connected medical devices." Sensitive patient data is of paramount importance. #FinTech #HIPAA #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #HR #InsurTech
@FaithCRobertson 1 year ago
Data science has become the new language of business, medicine, & much more. I love this quote f/ the @HarvardHBS #DataScience for Managers course - speaks to importance of leveraging data to drive decisions & for leaders to understand & guide these tools for systems improvement https://t.co/2jROWeHxQT
@TysonLester 2 years ago
Via @HealthTechMag: "Healthcare Systems Need to Make #Cybersecurity a Top Priority." https://healthtechmagazine.net/article/2021/11/why-healthcare-systems-need-make-cybersecurity-top-priority "The average hospital room contains 15 to 20 connected medical devices." #PHI and sensitive patient data are of significant importance. #HIPAA #AI #MachineLearning #IoT
@TysonLester 2 years ago
Via @HealthTechMag: "Healthcare Systems Need to Make #Cybersecurity a Top Priority." https://healthtechmagazine.net/article/2021/11/why-healthcare-systems-need-make-cybersecurity-top-priority "The average hospital room contains 15 to 20 connected medical devices." #PHI & sensitive patient data are of paramount importance. #HIPAA #AI #MachineLearning #IoT
@ricardovinuesa 2 years ago
In my latest piece published in @YuanCommunity, I discuss the importance of #Interpretability in #DeepLearning models, particularly in the context of #Medical applications. We need to open the #BlackBox! More info: https://www.nature.com/articles/s42256-021-00414-y #SDGs #MachineLearning #AI #Interpretable https://twitter.com/YuanCommunity/status/1495952256533168128
@wisit661 2 years ago
Random Forest#MachineLearning Feature Importance&Interaction Network of Acute Rejection in Black #KidneyTransplant Pts https://www.mdpi.com/1341982 @medicines_mdpi @MDPIOpenAccess @CarrieJadlowiec @napatlee1 @AcharyaPrakrati @WisitKaewput @BBoonpheng #ArtificialIntelligence #AI https://t.co/AR2W2LhTTj
@physorg_com 2 years ago
#Machinelearning uncovers "#genes of importance" in agriculture and medicine @NatureComms https://phys.org/news/2021-09-machine-uncovers-genes-importance-agriculture.html
@EASLedu 3 years ago
Samia Hurst-Majno emphasizing the importance of trust in her talk on #ethical considerations for #BigData in #Medicine. Inspiring! #ILC2021 #livertwitter https://t.co/eCqIvGNfwO
@thenextweb.com 3 years ago
New to computer vision and medical imaging? Start with these 10 projects
@GlobalGoalsAI 3 years ago
On day 4 of #OxML2020 we had a number inspiring and impactful lectures by Professor Mihaela van der Schaar on #MachineLearning/#medicine, the importance of interpretability, causal ML, and meta-learning. Another amazing day, with 300+ engaged audience. https://t.co/ZRhoGYRv6M
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
WHO: COVID-19 has “a long way to burn, if we allow it”
@thenextweb.com 4 years ago
The importance of engineers in the battle against the coronavirus
@MariaAgazio 4 years ago
Circular Economy concepts highlight the importance of reusable and re-sanatizable medical equipment that would relieve stress on the supply chain. #circulareconomy #bigdata #biomimicry #machinelearning #digitaltransformation #blockchain #sustainability #infrastructure
@CMHC_CME 4 years ago
Leading #AI powered #medicaldevice startup @thinkbio detailed the importance of #datascience, #artificialintelligence, & other #digitalhealth advancements knowledge for #healthcare providers: https://hubs.ly/H0lV3q80 #CMHC #HeartHealth #HealthTech #Wearables #DigitalTech #medtech https://t.co/IJsdELAFed
@SteliosSerghiou 4 years ago
Amazing to see the benefit of randomized trials in alleviating poverty! Let this Nobel prize remind us of the, often forgotten these days, irreplaceable importance of experimentation and randomization in medicine #epitwitter #datascience https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-03125-y
@xconomy.com 4 years ago
Nobel Prize in Medicine Goes to 3 Who Showed How Cells Sense Oxygen Levels
@thenextweb.com 5 years ago
Here’s how digital forensics experts track down hackers
@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
#AI can provide a knowledge base that can be a foundation for the interpretation of #data. The importance of the humanistic elements of medicine remain vital. #MachineLearning #SupervisedLearning #Data @AINewsletter @IBMAnalytics @OpenAI http://ow.ly/fUKv30opaaN
@WearableGuru 5 years ago
Wearables and The Importance of Technological Disruption in the Medical Field Link:http://10ng.co/2SqrH4n #PredictiveAnalytics #BigData #Wearables #Embeddables #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DL #DataAnalytics @akwyz @guzmand @fgens @rautsan @JimLundy @Bob_Hetu @schmarzo @rwang0 https://t.co/CnWjq68qpY
@f2harrell 5 years ago
New guest blog article by my colleague @DrewLevy on the importance of predictive performance metric choices when evaluating #MachineLearning algorithms in medicine: http://fharrell.com/post/mlconfusion
@pamgarfield1 6 years ago
Diagnostics and other aspects of medicine are a good fit for #AI and #MachineLearning - this underscores the growing importance of doctors focusing on what humans do best: engaging with patients to determine the right treatment plan http://hpgllc.co/lexuu
@ahier 6 years ago
2018 #healthcare #industry issuesby @PwCHealth 39% of provider executives say they’reinvesting in #AI, #machinelearning +#predictiveanalytics@deeplearn007#SDOH rising importance#MedicalDevice +#IoT #security#Pharma #transparency #patientexphttps://www.pwc.com/us/en/health-industries/assets/pwc-health-research-institute-top-health-industry-issues-of-2018-report.pdf https://t.co/aSq8Llhg2s
@thenextweb.com 6 years ago
Blockchain-powered medical AI Skychain promises to beat IBM’s Watson Health
@venturebeat.com 6 years ago
Iowa grant program helps med tech startups stay local
@Primary_Immune1 7 years ago
Early Medical #Education - The Importance of the Story http://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2017/01/30/telling-patient-stories-to-teach-new-medical-students/ #SNRTG #BigData #RareDisease #Meded… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/826386021860384768
@Business_AI 7 years ago
Precision #Medicine Study Reveals Importance of #MachineLearning: http://bit.ly/2b4sbaN #healthcare #research @Stanford
@venturebeat.com 10 years ago
CareCloud takes $25.5M in debt financing to expand medical group data