@bhavani_md 2 years ago
#NIH K23 funded @EmoryDeptofMed Thanks to Craig Coopersmith @ECCC May Wang @MLatGT Matt Churpek @UW_ICU_DataSci @DrPhilipVerhoef & countless others @UChicagoPCCM @EmoryPCCM Excited to work on identifying precision medicine approaches to #sepsis using #MachineLearning @nigms https://t.co/WMsqsDOUi5
@IQVIA_global 2 years ago
#Genomics and #machinelearning will be crucial in identifying and analyzing health data in the coming years, creating the building blocks of precision medicine. Join us in our upcoming webinar to learn about the use of genomics in drug development: https://bit.ly/38UHO4A https://t.co/pWT1LyxNXa
@EPFL_en 4 years ago
EPFL researchers have developed #BigData tools for identifying new gene functions. The work identifies millions of connections between genes and their functions, and can facilitate the development of precision medicine. #epflSV @epflSV https://actu.epfl.ch/news/big-data-toolkit-to-mine-the-dark-genome-for-preci/