Does anyone have a source listing the members of all the boards of pharmacy, medicine, nursing, etc of every state that includes each person's affiliated hospitals and potential conflicts of interest? That's some #bigdata I'd like to see...
Via @VentureBeat: "Zyter unveils Smart Hospitals, a 5G-ready medical data and #IoT system." Hospitals in the #healthcare system are increasingly turning to smart technology. #FinTech #InsurTech #5G #BigData #InternetOfThings #AI #ArtificialIntelligence
Via @ATT: "AT&T #5G: Helping Reimagine Health." "5G technology is fundamentally changing patient care in hospitals & medical centers." "Fundamental" = at a foundational level. #IoT #AI #InternetOfThings #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence
Via @VentureBeat: "Zyter unveils Smart Hospitals, a 5G-ready medical data and #IoT system." Hospitals in the #healthcare system are increasingly turning to smart technology. #SmartHospital #5G #BigData #InternetOfThings #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #HR
Yarysa is an EMR system made for hospitals, it’s a data-driven software which helps medical facilities enhance their healthcare delivery. #hospitalsinghana #ghana #doctorsgh #emrghana #softwaregh #ehealth #africa #GH #data #AI #MachineLearning #DigitalTransformation #telehealth