@ravidugh 1 year ago
AI + ECG heart trace can accurately predict diabetes and pre-diabetes - Medical Xpress https://buff.ly/3bJHvPa @medical_xpress #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #DataScience #100DaysOfCode #Python #MachineLearning #BigData #DeepLearning #NLP #Robots #IoT https://t.co/KtiuobGMIO
@adaihueze 3 years ago
I built a heart disease binary classification model based on some common factors and causatives. The article can be found here => https://lnkd.in/d94wfrP #Health #medicine #MachineLearning #DataScience #WomenWhoCode #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbies #womenintech #WomenInSTEM
@ulmdesign 3 years ago
Building models for heart disease prediction using #MachineLearning techniques - #opensource > https://github.com/rtflynn/Heart-Disease-Model | #Python #DeepLearning #scikitlearn #keras #kaggle #heart #disease #medical #clinical #research #CSV #DataScience #NeuralNetwork https://t.co/gR0G2YG9pL
@marcusborba 4 years ago
Using Deep Learning to Fight Heart Disease by @spelldotrun #deeplearning #ai #machinelearning #Health #doctors #datascience #medicine #digitaltransformation #healthcare #science #research #innovation #healthtech #neuralnetworks #artificialintelligence https://t.co/LysptAdnzz