How smart contracts can improve efficiency in healthcare
@CatherineAdenle 2 years ago
More?‍- The Need for Data Science in Healthcare Industry #data #DataScience #datasets #health #imaging #ClinicalTrial #pharma #Genomics #medicine #HealthTech #predictive #Analytics
@TysonLester 3 years ago
Via @Hi_TechTrends: "Big Data In #Healthcare 2020." #BigData making a big impact in healthcare: -Success with Patients -Diligence in Care -Lowered Costs -Effective/Efficient #Medicine -Advanced Security -More Aware Doctors #Data #Tech #MachineLearning
@SwissCognitive 4 years ago
As the world's biggest healthcare organisation, the #NHS should posses an awe-inspiring repository of #data to be used for the life-saving work of identifying rare diseases and researching new treatments. #BigData #Medicine #Technology