@ericjdaza 2 years ago
Thank you to the Digital Medicine Society (DiMe) for having me on! I'll be leading and moderating a conversation on ideas for how to cultivate two good statistical habits in digital health data science and analytics. (relevant tweets 🧵) #DigitalHealth #datascience #Statistics https://twitter.com/_DiMeSociety/status/1426221977656823816
@DrDanHolmes 3 years ago
The @JMSACL of @MSACL fame is having a special #datascience issue for all of your #rstats and #python apps for laboratory medicine! Submissions do NOT need to be #massspec related. https://twitter.com/JMSACL/status/1387998515880546305
@frlazzeri 3 years ago
So proud of my @azureadvocates Academic team and, in particular, of brilliant @ixek for having supported this project in collaboration with @MSFTResearch: "Democratizing medical imaging AI" https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/blog/project-innereye-open-source-deep-learning-toolkit-democratizing-medical-imaging-ai/ #AI #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #Research #Medical #InnerEye
@GwenAntell 4 years ago
Why is everyone in #medicine #ecology #paleontology etc having to play at #DataScience without proper training? And how is that hurting integrity and reproducibility? Good thread, based on a good article: https://medium.com/@darren_dahly/a-brief-history-of-medical-statistics-and-its-role-in-reproducibility-23e31082f024 https://twitter.com/betanalpha/status/1229098931566653442
@gpandeylab 4 years ago
It was great having Lana @GarmireGroup with us @IcahnInstitute ! Great talk and discussions about the role of #MachineLearning and #DataScience in biology and medicine. https://twitter.com/GarmireGroup/status/1222370248705413120
@WIRED 6 years ago
Inaccuracies in TV medical dramas and movies are nothing new, but over the years there have been some real doozies. We asked an actual surgical resident ...
@WIRED 6 years ago
Inaccuracies in TV medical dramas and movies are nothing new, but over the years there have been some real doozies. We asked an actual surgical resident ...
@WIRED 6 years ago
When doctors genome sequenced 50 test patients, they expected to find *maybe* one person with a genetic disease marker. Instead, they found 11.
@WIRED 6 years ago
When doctors genome sequenced 50 test patients, they expected to find *maybe* one person with a genetic disease marker. Instead, they found 11.
@SkyfishTweet 7 years ago
How Big Data is having an impact on medicine #bigdata #machinelearning #tech https://twitter.com/TechRepublic/status/851154012552474625
@Primary_Immune1 7 years ago
Having Cured a #RareDisease In #Cats, #GeneTherapy Readies for Human Trials http://abc3340.com/news/fighting-for-you/a-cure-for-clara-research-on-cats-at-auburn-vet-college-may-hold-the-key #SNRTG #BigData… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/844292890704662530
@jselanikio 7 years ago
How big data is having a 'mind-blowing' impact on medicine - TechRepublic http://buff.ly/2aPUUTs #bigdata #healthcare #health
@KirkDBorne 7 years ago
How #BigData is having a 'mind-blowing' impact on medicine: http://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-big-data-is-having-a-mind-blowing-impact-on-medicine/ #Analytics #Healthcare #HealthIT #DataScience
@ETFMG 7 years ago
How big data is having a 'mind-blowing' impact on medicine. #BigData #medicine. http://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-big-data-is-having-a-mind-blowing-impact-on-medicine/