@billrand 4 years ago
I firmly believe that AI will revolutionize medicine, but right now many algorithms haven't been tested on different pieces of equipment or with different groups of patients. #ai #MachineLearning #medicine #validation https://science.sciencemag.org/content/364/6446/1119
@DrLukeOR 5 years ago
Twitter book club to discuss Deep Medicine by @EricTopol will be starting in half an hour! Look for hashtags #deepmedicine and #pennradbook, and join the discussion. Even if you haven't read the book, there will be lots to discuss for #doctors and #machinelearning folks alike! https://t.co/asez1Q8lmC
@pmarca 8 years ago
RT @ramez: Why haven't MRIs or CAT scans plunged in price the way LIDAR has? http://wapo.st/1PWu4ZEMy answer: Little to no market forces in medicine
@theverge.com 9 years ago
FDA may crack down on junk homeopathic 'remedies'