@GwenAntell 4 years ago
Why is everyone in #medicine #ecology #paleontology etc having to play at #DataScience without proper training? And how is that hurting integrity and reproducibility? Good thread, based on a good article: https://medium.com/@darren_dahly/a-brief-history-of-medical-statistics-and-its-role-in-reproducibility-23e31082f024 https://twitter.com/betanalpha/status/1229098931566653442
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
Anxiety study shows common factors in feeling better
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
Phonak Virto Black hearing aids look like regular wireless earbuds
@engadget.com 4 years ago
The Mateo bath mat can monitor your weight, posture and even your shoe size
@UCSC_BSOE 4 years ago
"#MachineLearning is revolutionizing our understanding of the human brain." Read how @ucsc engineer Narges Norouzi creates algorithms to improve medical outcomes for patients in our Good Engineering series: http://bit.ly/GENarges #womeninSTEM #WomenInTech https://t.co/G4eFzg0Aoh
@digitaltrends.com 4 years ago
How glow-in-the-dark vampire bats are helping scientists solve a $50M problem
@venturebeat.com 4 years ago
Apple Research hands-on: Want to share years of personal data for free?
@slashgear.com 4 years ago
Vaping may be worse on cholesterol and blood flow than smoking
Google rushes to explain what it’s doing with all that medical data
@SwearyStats 4 years ago
Good news everyone! I've just built the @NHSNSS's (with @DataLabScotland ) Synthetic Medical Data System, alpha version. I'm looking for people to check the code and play around with it/feed back :D #Community 1/2 #Data #Innovation #DataScience #Medical #MachineLearning #AI https://t.co/UA6IL0QGI1
@engadget.com 4 years ago
The Morning After: 'Death Stranding' is here -- but is it a good game?
@INM7_ISN 4 years ago
Eysenk's astonishing work on "cancer personality". If results are too good to be true, there is usually a good reason for this Highly relevant to current work on #MachineLearning in neuroimaging and Medicine. Real life is too complex for >>90% accuracy https://cosmosmagazine.com/society/is-this-one-of-the-worst-scientific-scandals-of-all-time
@xconomy.com 4 years ago
Drug Pricing: Innovation, Investment, and the Public Good
@SwissCognitive 4 years ago
“#MachineLearning is particularly good at identifying patterns, which is deeply relevant to assessing patient risk. Risk scores are useful for communicating patient state, which is valuable in making efficient care decisions.” http://ow.ly/bAfz30px9lg #Healthcare #Medicine #AI
@zdnet.com 4 years ago
Medical device cybersecurity will be rubbish for 20 more years