@alexcodertech 3 years ago
Day 5 of code. When at first I felt like I was close to getting down JavaScript. I fall back 🥲 like 20 steps. Lol why can’t my medical backround help in learning this stuff a lot faster. #coding #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #dev #DataScience #code #codingisfun
@dom_beaini 3 years ago
Assume you have an #AI is a #Doctor , would you want to know your disease with high accuracy (90%), or not knowing but increase your chances of getting the right cure (98%)? #MachineLearning #Python #Philosophy #Health #NeurIPS2020 #PyTorch #TensorFlow #research #Medicine #pharma
@tmprowell 6 years ago
Fascinating how many mentions #AI & #MachineLearning are getting in #AACR18 sessions. I think all of us in medicine spending half our lives clicking things in #Epic desperately need to believe that computers will eventually work for doctors instead of the other way around... 🤣
@gigaom.com 9 years ago
Apple launches ResearchKit to bring your data to medical research
@BenBajarin 9 years ago
Apple showing with ResearchKit just how deeply they are getting engrained in the medical community. First of many big steps to come.
@gigaom.com 9 years ago
How researchers probe the secrets in our blood
@venturebeat.com 9 years ago
This Indian startup could disrupt health care with an affordable diagnostic machine
@gigaom.com 9 years ago
Forget house calls: What doctors can (and can’t) do remotely with telehealth products
@gigaom.com 9 years ago
‘A journey of culture': Getting buy-in from employees to track their movements