@ProjectShivom 3 years ago
Precision medicine depends on biomarkers. Scientists are evaluating, developing, validating, and implementing the genomic capabilities to expand the precision medicine research, globally https://buff.ly/2X5FaUa #PrecisionMedicine #shivom #genomics #DataScience #RNA https://t.co/WBGs4CAOd1
@rstudio 4 years ago
Watch "The Future's Shiny: Dashboards for Pioneering Genomic Medicine in R" by @nic_crane from rstudio::conf(2019) https://buff.ly/2xjf8zs Learn more about and register for rstudio::conf(2020) in San Francisco at https://buff.ly/2xq0qXr #rstats #DataScience https://t.co/P61iq1vfO5