@milindkam 4 years ago
Chad is one of those rare people who expertly knows #gene technologies from the Human Genome Project to today. It is a pleasure to design and generate new data modalities with him and apply #MachineLearning to #smartdata to understand #cellbehavior for developing #medicines https://twitter.com/cellaritybio/status/1205554443275636736
@WIRED 6 years ago
When doctors genome sequenced 50 test patients, they expected to find *maybe* one person with a genetic disease marker. Instead, they found 11.
@WIRED 6 years ago
When doctors genome sequenced 50 test patients, they expected to find *maybe* one person with a genetic disease marker. Instead, they found 11.
@WIRED 7 years ago
The first fully designed and partially completed yeast genome brings science one step closer to synthetic life.
@Primary_Immune1 7 years ago
"The #Art of Medicine" - From Anatomy to the Human Genome https://blog.wellcomecollection.org/2016/08/24/the-art-of-medicine/ #SNRTG #BigData #genetics… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/778242626785009664
@GeorgeShiber 8 years ago
#DeepLearning Meets Genome #Biology http://ow.ly/tnLT300bXkQ #BigData #Genomics #Medicine #AI via @OReillyMedia HT @OReillyAI
@jose_garde 8 years ago
#BigData in Clinical Medicine: Bringing the Benefits of Genome-Aware Medicine... - http://klou.tt/1fga4h3solyjk