@KirkDBorne 3 years ago
.@RELXHQ is a global provider of information-based analytics & decision tools that help scientists make new discoveries, help medical teams improve lives of patients, prevent online fraud and money laundering, & more: https://www.relx.com/ #BigData #DataScience #AI #DataDriven https://t.co/efMEEs7hRj
@andrejusb 4 years ago
Working on new #MachineLearning POC with Katana @katana_ml for Health Insurance fraud prevention - detecting medical insurance overcharging. Blue dots - valid claims, green - fraudulent claims. Our task - identify green dots within the area of the blue dots https://t.co/KMxt1zXz1f
@wired.com 5 years ago
Theranos and the Real Lesson of Storefont Medical Hacks