@SwissCognitive 5 years ago
#AI can provide a knowledge base that can be a foundation for the interpretation of #data. The importance of the humanistic elements of medicine remain vital. #MachineLearning #SupervisedLearning #Data @AINewsletter @IBMAnalytics @OpenAI http://ow.ly/fUKv30opaaN
@Cambridge_Uni 5 years ago
The Mark Foundation Institute for Integrated Cancer Medicine launches today, aiming to use #BigData sets collected from patients to revolutionise #cancer care with £8.6m donation from @TheMarkFdn. @CRUKCambridge https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/making-sense-of-cancers-big-data-problem-to-revolutionise-patient-care
@WIRED 9 years ago
A super-computing cluster is busily whirring away at the University of Washington—supported by more than $100 million in funding from the Gates Foundation—crunching ...