@KirkDBorne 1 year ago
I look forward to seeing my contribution “Open Medical Data’s Role in the Advancement of #DigitalHealth” here next week >> Opening medical data to the world: https://www.the-yuan.com/323/The-Yuan-calls-for-opening-medical-data-to-the-world.html by @YuanCommunity ———— #BigData #OpenData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #HealthTech
@NHLBI_Translate 2 years ago
At @NIH, we eagerly look forward to the arrival of Dr. Geoff Ginsburg @PersonalizedMed @DukeU as the new Chief Medical and Scientific Officer at @AllofUsResearch program. Yes, there’s so much great science to be done! #PrecisionMedicine @Genome_gov #genetics #BigData #AllofUS https://t.co/AP8UckivZ8
@GarvanInstitute 7 years ago
Look forward to welcoming @UNSW’s Prof @Louisa_Jorm today for her #GarvanLiSS seminar on #BigData: http://bit.ly/21lylar #MedicalResearch