@alvaroortiz1968 4 years ago
Turkey GDP Nowcast Update (March17th): Get ready for everything but the starting point is high (near 9% as other professionals @SimdiTahmin. Our #BigData shows surging food&medicines expend. compensating so far the decline Travel&Tourism. But Get ready and rule out complacency. https://t.co/XsbEpgXCv6
@erik_arnesen 5 years ago
Large-scale and high-resolution analysis of food purchases and health outcomes - Analysis of 1.6 billion (!) food item purchases and 1.1B medical prescriptions in London https://buff.ly/309I9Lt #epitwitter #nutritionepi #bigdata
@jameyedwards 6 years ago
Excited to be representing #pinksocks at @FortuneMagazine @bstormhealth. From the future of food to #bigdata, #PrecisionMedicine to #AI and from #meditation to #telemedicine, the future of #healthcare will be thoroughly explored! #hcldr #innovation #medicine #DesignThinking https://t.co/NTYQH7RxDU