@medical_xpress 1 year ago
Exploring the mechanisms underpinning individual differences in #autismspectrumdisorder using #machinelearning @NatureNeuro https://doi.org/grxpz9 https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-04-exploring-mechanisms-underpinning-individual-differences.html
@ResearchpodHQ 1 year ago
Dr. Susan Mertins, is exploring how ordinary differential equations and #machinelearning can be applied to #cancer data for biomarker discovery and drug development, leading to improvements in personalised #medicine. Listen now: https://www.buzzsprout.com/582022/11871011-computational-biology-how-mathematical-modelling-can-help-cure-cancer
@NUFeinbergMed 1 year ago
We are thrilled to announce that third-year medical student Jonathan Huang was the first author of a paper exploring best practices for reducing biases in clinical #MachineLearning research. @JMIR_MedInform http://spr.ly/6014MUHA6
@chidambara09 2 years ago
Exploring liquid plasma jets using https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/10.0008947 #SCiENCE #MEDiCAL #Digital #FRENCHtech #WOMEN #fashionTech #eHealth #DataScience #finServ #bigData #100DaysOfCode #javaScript #flutter #Linux #insurTech #USA #TravelTech #SocialMedia @BetaMoroney @enilev @EvaSmartAI
@miguearmengol 3 years ago
We are inviting papers exploring ways to reduce #MachineLearning bias in healthcare or create algorithms that specifically alleviate inequalities. Publish your research in the British Medical Journal Health and Care Informatics. #FairnessMedicalML https://twitter.com/MITCriticalData/status/1323337994519064578