@jhalamka 1 year ago
Software as a medical device (#SaMD) continues to evolve with advances in #machinelearning. So do the federal regulations governing these digital tools. @plcerrato and I explain in our latest blog: https://www.mayoclinicplatform.org/2022/06/13/keeping-up-to-date-on-samd-regulations/
@icymi_r 2 years ago
✍️🩺 Medical R: Creating Mini learnr Apps and Hosting on a Server: This post will explain how to create your own learnr apps and push them to an RStudio Server Open Source server. Peter Higgins @ibddoctor https://higgi13425.github.io/medical_r/posts/2020-12-27-creating-mini-learnr-apps-and-hosting-on-a-server/ #rstats #datascience
@raamana_ 4 years ago
Hi @geoffreyhinton, claiming #DeepLearning will replace radiologists in 5yrs is outrageous. I'll be happy to explain the challenges and why we the domain experts call it computer-AIDED diagnosis, not automated Dx. https://youtu.be/2HMPRXstSvQ #medicine #AI @GaryMarcus #MachineLearning