@ProjectShivom 3 years ago
Precision medicine depends on biomarkers. Scientists are evaluating, developing, validating, and implementing the genomic capabilities to expand the precision medicine research, globally https://buff.ly/2X5FaUa #PrecisionMedicine #shivom #genomics #DataScience #RNA https://t.co/WBGs4CAOd1
@GWhalleyPhD 3 years ago
This is a massive and potentially useful database that @sarahdonaldnz is using for her #PhD research evaluating the potential for prescription medicine harm in pregnancy #bigdata #HSDTweCon https://twitter.com/sarahdonaldnz/status/1262214341014818816
@f2harrell 5 years ago
New guest blog article by my colleague @DrewLevy on the importance of predictive performance metric choices when evaluating #MachineLearning algorithms in medicine: http://fharrell.com/post/mlconfusion