@rendocrinology 2 years ago
This thread is well worth reading for anyone interested in #MachineLearning or #AI in medicine, ESPECIALLY with EHR data. How you define outcomes & "time zero" are crucial-- make sure you understand the implications of your choices. https://twitter.com/kdpsinghlab/status/1407208969039396866
@MedicalCareLWW 4 years ago
New blog post on AI and it’s potential to unlock more insights from EHR data. Free to read: https://www.themedicalcareblog.com/unlocking-the-potential-of-our-ehr-data-with-ai/ #MedicalCare #HealthIT #EHR #DataScience #MachineLearning @Alexa_OrtizNC @RTI_Intl @RTI_HealthIT @DanErim_MDPhD #AOM2019