@Primary_Immune 2 years ago
Precision Medicine Dx and Rx in Infectious Diseases: - Single cell - transcriptomics - epigenomics - metabolomics - proteomics https://academic.oup.com/ofid/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ofid/ofab483/6375269 #bioinformatics #openscience #scicomm #itrtg #AI #machinelearning #immunology #genomics https://t.co/ZlJVQSUWEc
@raamana_ 4 years ago
Hi @geoffreyhinton, claiming #DeepLearning will replace radiologists in 5yrs is outrageous. I'll be happy to explain the challenges and why we the domain experts call it computer-AIDED diagnosis, not automated Dx. https://youtu.be/2HMPRXstSvQ #medicine #AI @GaryMarcus #MachineLearning