@dsui_miami_uro 1 year ago
Scientists at the Desai Sethi #Urology Institute at @umiamimedicine are pioneering research to harness #MachineLearning for the diagnosis and prognosis of #ProstateCancer. The study was recently published in the Journal of Personalized #Medicine. https://physician-news.umiamihealth.org/desai-sethi-urology-institute-scientists-pioneer-research-to-harness-power-of-machine-learning-in-prostate-cancer-imaging/
@SwissCognitive 4 years ago
A new @Cornell research aims to coalesce #MachineLearning & #Medicine, with the goal of improving methods for disease detection and diagnosis. http://ow.ly/wOXV30qePLX @cornell_tech @WeillCornell @IUPedu @C3NL_ICL #ML #AI #CognitiveNews
@raamana_ 4 years ago
Hi @geoffreyhinton, claiming #DeepLearning will replace radiologists in 5yrs is outrageous. I'll be happy to explain the challenges and why we the domain experts call it computer-AIDED diagnosis, not automated Dx. https://youtu.be/2HMPRXstSvQ #medicine #AI @GaryMarcus #MachineLearning
@DeepLearn007 7 years ago
How #machinelearning #ML Is Revolutionizing the Diagnosis of Rare Diseases #medicine #technology… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/814270360220827648
@Primary_Immune1 7 years ago
The 'Art' of Medical Diagnosis http://qz.com/870953/how-studying-victorian-paintings-teach-medical-students-to-be-better-doctors/ #SNRTG #BigData #RareDisease #science #Medicine #History… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/813510181384556544