@nejm_ai 1 year ago
Meet the hosts of NEJM AI Grand Rounds: @arjunmanrai, PhD, is an assistant professor of biomedical informatics @harvardmed. Raj directs a research lab of #machinelearning scientists, clinicians, and biomedical data scientists working to improve medical decision making. https://t.co/hJamOx7ci6
@gentackle 3 years ago
MIT’s new “liquid” #NeuralNetwork could improve decision-making in #selfdrivingcars and medical diagnosis The algorithm adjusts to changes experienced by real-world systems by changing their underlying equations as they receive new #data #MachineLearning https://thenextweb.com/neural/2021/01/29/mits-new-liquid-neural-network-learns-on-the-job-so-robots-can-adapt-to-changing-conditions/