@dipymri 2 years ago
A detailed schedule of the DIPY Workshop 2022 is now available: https://github.com/dipy/dipy_assets/raw/main/DIPY%20Workshop%202022%20Schedule%20V1.pdfSupercharge your data and analyses with DIPY!!! To register, please visit http://workshop.dipy.org #MachineLearning #Python #Medical #Imaging @NIBIBgov
@ulmdesign 3 years ago
Construct data frame from #DICOM headers - a #MachineLearning example > https://bit.ly/3ejI1kv | #TensorFlow #python #tutorial #DataScience #csv #scikitlearn #keras #pydicom #medical #MedicalImaging https://t.co/ky0BPw0oMw
@Abhishek4273 3 years ago
Tried training an image segmentation model on PanNuke dataset, an Open Pan-Cancer Histology Dataset - https://github.com/Tessellate-Imaging/Monk_Object_Detection/tree/master/application_model_zoo (Ex 51) Data - https://jgamper.github.io/PanNukeDataset/ #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfMLCode #301DaysOfCode #MachineLearning #Python #git #medical #Cancer #opensource #AI https://t.co/rFQ5JcvZjt