@kimberlyanngeo 6 years ago
Google is using 46 billion data points to predict the medical outcomes of hospital patients @qz #bigdata #AI #health https://qz.com/1189730/google-is-using-46-billion-data-points-to-predict-the-medical-outcomes-of-hospital-patients/
@WarrenWhitlock 7 years ago
Google wins data deal with the NHS and is handed 1.6m medical records http://ln.is/MncqN#ochen #health #bigdata #security #privacy
@jose_garde 8 years ago
Using Big Data to Make Wiser Medical Decisions - http://klou.tt/1sjjt0fq5pwvg #BigData #Health
@UniversalDoctor 8 years ago
How much medical information would you share in the name of big data? http://gu.com/p/4deyf/stw #bigData #health
@EmTum 8 years ago
How much medical information would you share in the name of big data? http://gu.com/p/4deyf/stw #bigdata #health