@Radiology_AI 1 year ago
"The aim of this article is to discuss data, data creation, and the potential financial stakeholders for the development of #AI in medicine" https://doi.org/10.1148/ryai.220054 @MayoFL_RadRes @ronnie_sebro @MayoRadiology #DataOwnership #ML #MachineLearning https://t.co/2DPMVyczPX
@Axial_3D 4 years ago
WE'RE HIRING! We are looking for engineers to help with the creation of medical models and machine learning data, to work between 12-24 hours per week. https://www.axial3d.com/careers/ #flexibleworking #jobfairy #belfastjobs #MachineLearning https://t.co/bGFoxoBH83