@SynBioBeta 3 years ago
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine have combined #syntheticbiology with a #machinelearning algorithm to create human liver organoids with blood- and bile-handling systems. https://bit.ly/36SDl2h #synbio
@Getting_Smart 3 years ago
This recent post explores what we can learn from studying how #AI is used to create content in areas such as books, business and legal, medicine, song writing and visual arts. #EdLeaders #Teachers #Students #MachineLearning https://bit.ly/3gbmHwK
@Ken_Congdon 7 years ago
Will Precision Medicine Create Healthcare “Data Dumpsters”?: http://healthitanalytics.com/news/will-precision-medicine-create-healthcare-data-dumpsters#.Vz8EfNzSyFo.twitter #BigData #HealthIT