@The_InnovationJ 1 year ago
Online now! POvaStim: An online tool for directing individualized FSH doses in ovarian stimulation. POvaStim may contribute to the improvement of #pregnancy outcomes and #ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xinn.2023.100401 #MachineLearning #Hormone #medicine #infertility https://t.co/kHLbyDuAHw
@NatureRevCancer 2 years ago
Our Nov issue, out NOW! With articles on cellular #barcoding to explore #tumourheterogeneity, #bigdata & the immunobiology of high-grade serous #ovariancancer. Plus a Comment on how medical anthropology can contribute to cancer research! https://go.nature.com/3Ff0wFG @natrescancer https://t.co/BVhrjtV2cx
@MargaretSiegien 3 years ago
How #artificialintelligence and #machinelearning will contribute to #cancer patient care and #vaccine design #CES #CES2022 #HealthTech #HealthIT #MEDTECH #AI @MargaretSiegien @PawlowskiMario @HeinzVHoenen @AvionneP @kalydeoo https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-12-artificial-intelligence-machine-contribute-cancer.html via @medical_xpress
@slashgear.com 3 years ago
Historic windpipe transplant could be huge news for COVID-19 patients
Google’s new Android app lets you contribute to health research
@neowin.net 4 years ago
Google launches new app to let Android users participate in health research
@DaveBergSP 4 years ago
Check out this paper by @msciencecorp and @strainprint that shows how entourage effect (terpenes and other cannabinoids) contribute to consumer and patient experience. #bigdata #knowyourcannabis #cannabis #MedicalCannabis https://twitter.com/msciencecorp/status/1281274336998051843
@arunprasad_p 4 years ago
Please contribute to novel medical research led by Prof @Julian_Gough team at @MRC_LMB @UKRI_News into phenotype prediction from raw DNA files: https://supfam.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/SUPERFAMILY/23andMe #medicalresearch #Prediction #Bioinformatics #Genomics #sequencing #dna #Health #COVIDー19 #DataScience https://t.co/H16B1nTiTQ
@PacktPub 4 years ago
More than ever data scientists are required to help medical researchers by extracting relevant data. You could contribute by learning #datascience with a free Packt workshop. Head over to http://packt.live/2yGNalm and get started! https://t.co/Y0maRSdIJe
@MPI_IS 4 years ago
Are you a #datascience expert? Would you like to support medical professionals and life scientists in the fight against #Covid_19? Join @MPI_IS scientists and others in the new @DataVSCovid initiative and contribute your skills! #aiforgood
@helizabetholsen 5 years ago
This is an amazing opportunity to contribute to a growing team @Medic doing #DataScience in #globalhealth with a focus on #CHWs #equity and #innovation! https://twitter.com/Medic/status/1220141033427632128
@techcrunch.com 6 years ago
Hospitals can save billions by improving operational efficiencies; Qventus just raised millions to help
@techcrunch.com 8 years ago
AstraZeneca commits ‘hundreds of millions’ to sequencing genomes of 2M people over 10 years
@theverge.com 9 years ago
Apple's new ResearchKit lets iPhone users participate in clinical trials