@DonnellyDNA 3 years ago
The intersection of #genomics and #machinelearning are how we move from #bigdata to insights and usher in the era of precision medicine. Congrats to the team @illumina for a great first day of @sparkgenomics #SPARKbyIllumina https://twitter.com/susantousi/status/1386711943705100289
@YaleRadiology 4 years ago
Another honor for our Interventional Oncology Lab: #medstudent Nathan Chai has received the #RSNA Research Medical Student Grant! Nathan will develop a #MachineLearning model to predict HCC recurrence. Congrats Nathan & team! #futuredoctor @YaleMed @RSNA @dcmadoff @JuliusChapiro https://t.co/UyqV1qryjW
@falla_alejandra 4 years ago
A new era for medicinal chemistry is here! Impressive work on using #machinelearning to model novel antibiotic structures that show activity against multi-resistant bacteria. Congrats to @ItsJonStokes @A_CubillosRuiz and team https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(20)30102-1