@daniel_kraft 3 years ago
. @StuffThatWorks1 : Crowdsourced medicine- with over 20M data points from which doctors and patients can learn from 240+ chronic conditions. By @HilzFuld in the @Jerusalem_Post https://m.jpost.com/opinion/hillels-tech-corner-stuffthatworks-crowdsourced-medicine-657102 #digitalhealth #crowdsourcing #bigdata #AI
@pfizer 3 years ago
EstimATTR, our new educational tool for healthcare providers, highlights clinical conditions commonly associated with wtATTR-CM by combining expert medical knowledge with research in #bigdata and #ArtificialIntelligence. #digitalhealth
@AnastasiaSMihai 3 years ago
#Preprint butis#BigData #Research & linked #EHR! Death from #COVID19 in 🇬🇧 strongly associated with: men older age deprivation uncontrolled diabetes & prior medical conditions but NOT #Hypertension @mmamas1973 @kamleshkhunti @DrAsifQasim @ShrillaB @drandrewsharp https://twitter.com/JonLaake/status/1258437621904297985
@StanfordMed 5 years ago
"In health care, and specifically in genomics, #BigData is key to getting insights into the cause of many medical conditions," says Dekel Gelbman, CEO of FDNA and speaker at Stanford Medicine's upcoming #BigDataMed event. https://stan.md/2IqF3Jt
@MIT 8 years ago
How #bigdata might help us predict medical conditions: http://mitne.ws/1HOcq4I http://t.co/w4rMRwgWYr
@MIT 8 years ago
Can #bigdata help us predict medical conditions? http://mitne.ws/1HOcq4I http://t.co/w4rMRwgWYr