@DalithSteiger 4 years ago
Israeli start-up aims to marry #MachineLearning with medicine. But instead of raising hundreds of millions of dollars from high-profile investors, the company only wants to be paid if enough patients take its tests. https://bit.ly/3bALxDV #CongnitiveNews
@SwissCognitive 4 years ago
Israeli start-up aims to marry #MachineLearning with medicine. But instead of raising hundreds of millions of dollars from high-profile investors, the company only wants to be paid if enough patients take its tests. https://bit.ly/3bALxDV #CongnitiveNews
@pradeep1800 7 years ago
The role of big data in medicine | McKinsey & Company http://www.mckinsey.com/industries/pharmaceuticals-and-medical-products/our-insights/the-role-of-big-data-in-medicine #genomics #wearables #bigdata
@stratpoint 8 years ago
The role of big data in medicine | McKinsey & Company http://ow.ly/V5tG9#bigdata #data #tech #health