@HkuPharm 3 years ago
Congratulations to Prof @Ian_HKU for being awarded $ 9.6 million in Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) Covid-19 to conduct a project entitled ‘A multinational #BigData #COVID19 Epidemiological Study on post-infection Outcomes (ACESO)’ @hkumed #HKUPharm #medicalresearch
@BritishVets 3 years ago
How can vets feel they are relevant in a world filled with #tech and #BigData? Our panelists say that vets' role will increasingly be to guide clients to the evidence, moving away from a paternalistic approach to proactive, collaborative medicine @VetShow @waltham_science https://t.co/KZIbk8VQP8
@MITCriticalData 3 years ago
“In our opinion, there is an ethical obligation to use the research exemption clause of the GDPR during the COVID-19 pandemic to support global collaborative health research efforts. “ https://publichealth.jmir.org/2020/2/e19279/ #ai #mitcriticaldata #bigdata #medicine #mit