@prof_danthomas 1 year ago
This short #Python code is used for calculating the efficacy of #biologic medicines using t-tests This can be a powerful tool for comparing the effectiveness of different biologics in treating various conditions #datascience #biologics #ttests https://t.co/SSlbk4RNG6
@kelkalot 3 years ago
Our latest work which is about how synthetic data can be used to analyse ECGs: "DeepFake electrocardiograms: the beginning of the end for privacy issues in medicine" Medrxiv: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.04.27.21256189v1.full.pdf Code: https://github.com/vlbthambawita/deepfake-ecg @vlbthambawita #AI #MachineLearning #ECG