@wired.com 1 year ago
Your Medical Data Is Code Blue
@prof_danthomas 1 year ago
This short #Python code is used for calculating the efficacy of #biologic medicines using t-tests This can be a powerful tool for comparing the effectiveness of different biologics in treating various conditions #datascience #biologics #ttests https://t.co/SSlbk4RNG6
@gigaom.com 2 years ago
Can low code process automation platforms fix healthcare?
@9to5mac.com 2 years ago
Masimo “Apple Watch clone” was based on access to confidential info and source code
@Anchit171 2 years ago
Have you heard that medics should “learn to code”? Do you know what that actually means? The answer is in my first @Peerr_io article! https://peerr.io/article/what-does-learn-to-code-actually-mean-89zcvn #Python #MedTech #DataScience #nhsdigital #100DaysOfCode #medtwitter
@KevsGenomic 2 years ago
My first contribution to #TidyTuesday after @MeDicenCrix finally convinced me. Status: Excited! #rstats #DataViz #DataScience Code: https://github.com/KevinMLanderos/TidyTuesday/tree/main/2022/week12_March22/ https://t.co/RQntkvQXc2
@MeDicenCrix 2 years ago
#TidyTuesday week 10. Late submission I explored the most popular destinations of American students. code: https://github.com/cristian2420/tidyTuesday/tree/main/2022/week10_March08 #rstats #DataViz #DataScience https://t.co/YGVb66Fun3
@MeDicenCrix 2 years ago
My first #tidyTuesday Week 9: data of alternative fuel stations in the US. code: https://github.com/cristian2420/tidyTuesday/tree/main/2022/week09_March01 #rstats #DataViz #DataScience https://t.co/bNXZ8efv1U
@Montreal_AI 3 years ago
Read, Attend, and Code: Pushing the Limits of Medical Codes Prediction from Clinical Notes by Machines Byung-Hak Kim, Varun Ganapathi : https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.10650 #ArtificialIntelligence #MachineLearning #Healthcare https://t.co/aEK0bwa91Q
@alexcodertech 3 years ago
Day 5 of code. When at first I felt like I was close to getting down JavaScript. I fall back 🥲 like 20 steps. Lol why can’t my medical backround help in learning this stuff a lot faster. #coding #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #dev #DataScience #code #codingisfun
@kelkalot 3 years ago
Our latest work which is about how synthetic data can be used to analyse ECGs: "DeepFake electrocardiograms: the beginning of the end for privacy issues in medicine" Medrxiv: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.04.27.21256189v1.full.pdf Code: https://github.com/vlbthambawita/deepfake-ecg @vlbthambawita #AI #MachineLearning #ECG
@theregister.com 3 years ago
BadAlloc: Microsoft looked at memory allocation code in tons of devices and found this one common security flaw
@geekwire.com 3 years ago
Cure the common code: OpenMRS aims to improve medical record systems in developing countries
@afranklynmiller 4 years ago
Can you combine data analytics, visual 3d and Open Sim and have an interest in the future of sports medicine prescription of exercise intervention ? Can you also code ? Get in contact if that’s you #machinelearning #data #sportsmedicine
@GersonRolim 4 years ago
10 Interesting and Impressive #AI Projects for Absolute Beginners (with Python Source Code) By @PiProgramming http://buff.ly/3gyJxhV #Chatbot Spam E-Mails Identifier Handwritten Digits Recognition Cancer Detection using medical data Via @100DaysOfMLCode #MachineLearning https://t.co/URep7v9V77
@pierrepinna 4 years ago
10 Interesting and Impressive #AI Projects for Absolute Beginners (with Python Source Code) | @PiProgramming https://buff.ly/3gyJxhV #Chatbot Spam E-Mails Identifier Handwritten Digits Recognition Cancer Detection using medical data ... #MachineLearning Cc @DeepLearn007 https://t.co/wof9VNgffS
@tech.eu 4 years ago
Belgian blockchain startup SettleMint raises €1.9 million to expand internationally
@NvidiaAI 5 years ago
Interested in learning how #machinelearning is being applied to imaging for precision medicine? Attend this session at #PMWC20 and register with code NVIDIA10 for 10% off. https://bit.ly/35xu1No https://t.co/MmvHp2pXHa
@SwearyStats 5 years ago
Good news everyone! I've just built the @NHSNSS's (with @DataLabScotland ) Synthetic Medical Data System, alpha version. I'm looking for people to check the code and play around with it/feed back :D #Community 1/2 #Data #Innovation #DataScience #Medical #MachineLearning #AI https://t.co/UA6IL0QGI1
@kdnuggets 5 years ago
state-of-the-art in #AI, #MachineLearning - 530 leaderboards • 974 tasks • 712 datasets • 9205 papers with code - Computer Vision - Natural Language Processing - Medical - Speech and more https://buff.ly/2RxMgev
@NeuroscienceNew 6 years ago
Hacking the Aging Code https://neurosciencenews.com/big-data-aging-10255/ Study describes a strategy for systematic development of novel anti-aging therapeutics and biomarkers of aging using the data from medical studies and large biobanks. #aging #bigdata #neuroscience #science
@xconomy.com 6 years ago
No Vital Signs Apparent at Wireless Health Specialist Awarepoint
@venturebeat.com 7 years ago
Augmenix® Announces Medicare Reimbursement Rates for the new CPT Code 55874, which will be used to bill SpaceOAR® Hydrogel, Effective January 2018
@venturebeat.com 7 years ago
Apixio uses AI to extract patient conditions from medical records
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
Microsoft’s LinkedIn open-sources Bluepill for testing iOS apps
@venturebeat.com 8 years ago
Augmenix Announces New Category 1 CPT® Code from the American Medical Association for Periprostatic Implantation of Biodegradable Material
@extremetech.com 8 years ago
How the sugar industry bought out scientists for decades, and how to stop it from happening again
@pmarca 9 years ago
RT @JPBarlow: 6 weeks, 5 hospitals, 9 surgeries, platoons of medical personnel and 8 minutes dead as a hammer CODE BLUE DEAD! Yet! http://t.co/4TFf6VSxCY
@thenextweb.com 9 years ago
This is how easy it can be to get people’s medical information and credit card number
@GraylingSF 10 years ago
#CES2015 trend alert: Robots for kids. @_makewonder teaches kids to code. Rxrobots eases pain of medical treatment. http://t.co/1rjXR8Rn9V