@zdnet.com 6 months ago
Microsoft unveils extensions to Fabric, Azure for healthcare AI
@zdnet.com 9 months ago
MedPerf aims to speed medical AI while keeping data private
@nejm_ai 1 year ago
Meet the hosts of NEJM AI Grand Rounds: @arjunmanrai, PhD, is an assistant professor of biomedical informatics @harvardmed. Raj directs a research lab of #machinelearning scientists, clinicians, and biomedical data scientists working to improve medical decision making. https://t.co/hJamOx7ci6
@techcrunch.com 1 year ago
Navina secures $22M to process and summarize medical data for clinicians
@queensuResearch 3 years ago
#queensu researcher @ProfSimsim is the @CRC_CRC in Biomedical Computing and Informatics, leveraging #MachineLearning technologies to transform how clinicians treat #cancer using a data-driven, precision medicine approach | #QueensuResearch | #WomenInSTEM https://www.queensu.ca/research/researchers/amber-simpson-0
@techcrunch.com 6 years ago
Balderton joins $30M Series D for big data biotech platform play, Sophia Genetics