@Feature_Cloud 1 year ago
How to keep the human in the loop in #AI and #MachineLearning is one of the main interests of #FeatureCloud's WP4 leader @aholzin and his Human-Centered AI Lab @MedUniGraz. Read more: "Explainable AI and Multi-Modal Causability in Medicine". https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/icom-2020-0024/html?lang @degruyter_pub
@Inteliot 4 years ago
Powered by @Intel, a new MDI solution from @sickbayMIC and @Cisco is enabling data-driven medicine and patient-centered care at scale, helping realize the potential of emerging tech and #BigData to transform #healthcare. https://bit.ly/3bbSZ8p https://t.co/CY8WIeqqIz