@miguearmengol 3 years ago
We are inviting papers exploring ways to reduce #MachineLearning bias in healthcare or create algorithms that specifically alleviate inequalities. Publish your research in the British Medical Journal Health and Care Informatics. #FairnessMedicalML https://twitter.com/MITCriticalData/status/1323337994519064578
@pmarca 9 years ago
RT @jhagel: Fertile ground for further investigation - research into "male idiot theory" published in the British Medical Journal http://bit.ly/177ETns
@pmarca 9 years ago
RT @SandyHendry: British Medical Journal asks whether low-fat products/diets are food industry's attempt at mass murder. http://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/349/bmj.g7654.full.pdf