@antgrasso 6 years ago
Learning #Health System = collaborative sharing of #data & insights to drive better medical practice & patient care: https://buff.ly/2irkox9 #BigData #HealthAnalytics #DataScience #MachineLearning #HealthIT @KirkDBorne https://t.co/ui1M565RWK
@KirkDBorne 6 years ago
Learning Health System = collaborative sharing of data & insights to drive better medical practice & patient care: https://healthitanalytics.com/news/provider-coalition-to-use-machine-learning-for-type-1-diabetes #BigData #HealthAnalytics #DataScience #MachineLearning #HealthIT https://t.co/eNQD4LiRRA
@thePHFactorBlog 7 years ago
Enhance #healthcare with #analytics. Sharing data among providers can only lead to better patient outcomes. @JohnSnowLabs #BigData #EHR