@Paul_Sonnier 12 months ago
New research in npj Digital Medicine: Perspectives on validation of clinical predictive algorithms #digitalhealth #algorithms #aiinhealthcare #machinelearning #ai https://www.nature.com/articles/s41746-023-00832-9
@technopark_zh 1 year ago
Here's another another #TOP12 #nominee for the #Pionierpreis2023 : @the_dbi ! The #healthTech #startup is working on taking future precision medicine to the next level - by analyzing exhaled breath by applying #MachineLearning algorithms. #technopark_zh #AI #MedTech @zkb_ch https://t.co/aqa7oMGREq
@toyosirise 3 years ago
#AI advances in medicine. #Thread. 1. #DeepLearning algorithms have made advances in "Diagnosing Diseases" more correctly, cheaper and more accessible. 2. #MachineLearning has made the analytical processes involved in drug development more efficient & faster. https://twitter.com/toyosirise/status/1339264451971862529
@billrand 4 years ago
I firmly believe that AI will revolutionize medicine, but right now many algorithms haven't been tested on different pieces of equipment or with different groups of patients. #ai #MachineLearning #medicine #validation https://science.sciencemag.org/content/364/6446/1119
@tejasavsehrawat 4 years ago
With much interest around #machinelearning, it’s critical to understand key differences in workflow b/w supervised algorithms & unsupervised- for lack of better terminology- AI oriented algorithms. The future of medicine is now! @Dr_Vijay_Shah @DougSimonetto @AlinaAllenMD https://t.co/udGNVcVvgy
@IBMResearch 5 years ago
"IBM computer scientist Guillermo Cecchi came to appreciate just how important language is in medicine. IBM is one of several groups now developing #machinelearning algorithms to analyze patient language." https://ibm.co/2PNQmQv https://t.co/OmA9hybPCy
@f2harrell 5 years ago
New guest blog article by my colleague @DrewLevy on the importance of predictive performance metric choices when evaluating #MachineLearning algorithms in medicine: http://fharrell.com/post/mlconfusion