@theverge.com 2 years ago
Here’s how an algorithm guides a medical decision 
@venturebeat.com 2 years ago
AI tool offers cure for scattered medical data
@billrand 4 years ago
I firmly believe that AI will revolutionize medicine, but right now many algorithms haven't been tested on different pieces of equipment or with different groups of patients. #ai #MachineLearning #medicine #validation https://science.sciencemag.org/content/364/6446/1119
@UCSC_BSOE 4 years ago
"#MachineLearning is revolutionizing our understanding of the human brain." Read how @ucsc engineer Narges Norouzi creates algorithms to improve medical outcomes for patients in our Good Engineering series: http://bit.ly/GENarges #womeninSTEM #WomenInTech https://t.co/G4eFzg0Aoh