@ResearchGermany 1 year ago
How do cancer cells differ from healthy cells? A new #MachineLearning algorithm knows the answer. Read more about the work of researchers at @MDC_Berlin here http://ow.ly/AIqf50JvFq6 #CancerResearch #Bioinformatics #Medicine
@LancetDigitalH 1 year ago
NEW Research: 'Developing and validating a #MachineLearning algorithm to predict #opioid #overdose in Medicaid beneficiaries in two US states: a prognostic modelling study'. @UFCoDES @PittPubHealth @PittCP3 @HeinzCollege @uarizona @DeptVetAffairs @PittGIM https://bit.ly/3sYlge1 https://t.co/uzDQC8nExP
@freddytn 2 years ago
New #AI #DeepLearning #technology algorithm trained to optimize doses of propofol to maintain unconsciousness during general #anesthesia could augment patient monitoring #health #healthcare #medicine #MachineLearning @MIT @MIT_IMES @mit_hst @MIT_Picower https://news.mit.edu/2022/research-advances-technology-ai-assistance-anesthesiologists-0214
@gentackle 3 years ago
MIT’s new “liquid” #NeuralNetwork could improve decision-making in #selfdrivingcars and medical diagnosis The algorithm adjusts to changes experienced by real-world systems by changing their underlying equations as they receive new #data #MachineLearning https://thenextweb.com/neural/2021/01/29/mits-new-liquid-neural-network-learns-on-the-job-so-robots-can-adapt-to-changing-conditions/
@PittCP3 3 years ago
New in @PLOSONE: CP3's @walidgellad and former CP3 postdoc @jennyciganic led development of a #machinelearning algorithm to predict risk of developing #opioid use disorder in #Medicare. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0235981 https://t.co/B2Wbq8GNld