@Radiology_AI 11 months ago
Differences in data distribution may affect federated #DeepLearning model performance in medical image segmentation https://doi.org/10.1148/ryai.220082 @ND_CSE @hku_science @ZJU_China #FederatedLearning #AI #MachineLearning #AIME23 #AIME2023 https://t.co/Sg0Y2jheGy
@nigewillson 3 years ago
Harvard researchers developed an AI to determine how medical treatments affect life spans [love, love this picture (no mice were harmed in taking it)] https://bit.ly/35FO688 #ai #ArtificialIntelligence #machinelearning #DeepLearning #healthcareworkers #medicine https://t.co/BaoOLAZp8A
@victoriatr 5 years ago
Companies are increasingly using #machinelearning & other #AI tools to predict everything from credit worthiness to personalized medicine. But the tools have big blind spots that particularly affect women & minorities. #genderbias http://ow.ly/FSVd30ngB3l