@dom_beaini 3 years ago
Assume you have an #AI is a #Doctor , would you want to know your disease with high accuracy (90%), or not knowing but increase your chances of getting the right cure (98%)? #MachineLearning #Python #Philosophy #Health #NeurIPS2020 #PyTorch #TensorFlow #research #Medicine #pharma
@PWGTennant 3 years ago
In the viewpoint, we discuss two of the biggest claims made about the potential of #MachineLearning-powered precision medicine. 1) It will enable automated diagnoses with unprecedented accuracy 2) It will enable identification of the best therapies for individuals #EpiTwitter
@LauraBBalzer 5 years ago
Last ? from #DataScience 4 Public Health course- Who would you trust: a blackbox machine learning algorithm with 100% CV-prediction accuracy (AUROC=1) built with representative data OR a human medical provider (accuracy<100%; AUROC<1)? #epiTwitter #MachineLearning #SuperLearner