@SiDenning 4 years ago
Digitally disrupting medical knowledge #SPABAH20 Dr. Ponsky questions how we stay current on medical knowledge when the doubling rate for medical publications is now 73 days (from 50yrs in 1950) #PedsAnes @PediAnesthesia @PedsAnesthesia can #AI #MachineLearning solve the problem?
@diegocantor 6 years ago
AI can help us understand how social elements such as transportation, education and poverty determine public health. -Dr. Eileen de Villa, Toronto's Medical Officer of Public Health. @epdevilla @topublichealth @TMLS_TO #TMLS #MachineLearning #Toronto 🇨🇦
@AshleyEProsper 6 years ago
#radiology is the "tip of the spear" for integration of medical #machinelearning - Dr. Dryer #ACR2017 #radres keynote