@ExponentialMed 5 years ago
A.I. Enabled Healthcare, Potential & Challenges... @DeepMind_Health's Dr. @Alan_Karthi at Exponential Medicine on #AI and #MachineLearning being applied to diagnosis & therapy. http://bit.ly/AI-Enabled-Healthcare #xMed #BigData @ExponentialMed @SingularityU
@daniel_kraft 6 years ago
Life-or-Death Algorithms: Avoiding the Black Box of #AI in Medicine. By Thomas Hornigold in @singularityhub https://singularityhub.com/2018/12/18/life-or-death-algorithms-the-black-box-of-ai-in-medicine-and-how-to-avoid-it/ #xMed #bigdata
@daniel_kraft 6 years ago
Amazon takes another step into #healthcare: selling software to mine patient medical records for information that can improve care and cut costs https://www.wsj.com/articles/amazon-starts-selling-software-to-mine-patient-health-records-1543352136 via @WSJ #BigData #xMed #DeepLearning #DigitalHealth
@evankirstel 6 years ago
Achieving Excellence through Evidence-Based Medicine and Data #Analytics: http://atipt.com/research-and-d… #PhysicalTherapy #PredictiveAnalytics #BigData #ClinicalAnalytics #DataScience #HealthTech @PhUSETwitta http://phuse.eu/eu-connect18 @KirkDBorne #xmed https://t.co/X0CnvACdiN
@markpun 6 years ago
Pleased to announce @PhenoMxInc to #Exhibit #Personalized #Digital #PhysicalExam at @ExponentialMed next week in #SanDiego! @girisriniv1 https://exponential.singularityu.org/medicine/ #xMed #DigitalHealth #HealthTech #Startup #Innovation #G4A #JLABS #Medicine #AI #BigData #healthcare #PrecisionMed https://t.co/b7bFsIAW1I
@RasuShrestha 7 years ago
Great question from a medical student from Spain at #xMed to Ray Kurzweil "What area should I specialize in?"Ray's answer: ✔Learn data science.✔Think holistically across body systems, not narrowly. #AI #MachineLearning https://t.co/Iuxvzv32mJ
@daniel_kraft 8 years ago
Biomarkers from imagining @klarismo pitching for a MEDy @ExponentialMed #xMed #radiology #MachineLearning https://t.co/pTM5rlxyPz
@ExponentialMed 10 years ago
.@MSKohn Chief Medical Scientist @SentrianRPI gets philosophical about #BigData at #xmed http://ExponentialMedicine.com/Kohn