@milos_agathon 1 year ago
Today is World Health Day so I mapped how much money people spend per capita on medical goods & services in 2019 🇺🇸USA 10921 US$ 🇨🇭Switzerland 9666 🇳🇴Norway 8007 🇮🇸Iceland 6274 🇱🇺Luxembourg 6220 #WorldHealthDay #healthday #health #RStats #DataScience #dataviz #maps #geospatial https://t.co/NIJElBYOdh
@Harry_Robots 4 years ago
Please don't forget that tomorrow is #WorldHealthDay. A huge thank you to all the medical heroes around the globe battling #COVID19. Also, #SupportLocalBusinesses and tip your delivery person well. @MikeQuindazzi #DeepLearning #IoT #BigData mt: @worldtrendsinfo by @StatistaCharts https://t.co/yR5AJnyTZK
@Risenetworks 4 years ago
#Datascience is taking the healthcare industry to a whole new height, from drug discovery to computerized health records. Stanford Medicine’s 2018 Health Trends Report, #AI could help reduce health care costs by $150 billion by 2026 in the U.S. #WorldHealthDay #stayhome https://t.co/WLjvap6GGm