@sonu_monika 2 years ago
#Wearable #MedicalDevices & #health on the #Blockchain #Infographic https://www.visualistan.com/2021/12/wearable-medical-devices-and-health-on-the-blockchain.html #BigData #ML #AI #NLP #Flutter #serverless #DataScience #IoT #Analytics #EHR #EMR #publichealth #telehealth #MedTech #DigitalHealth #AUTOMATION #funding #Investment #startup @sonu_monika
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
How medical device companies can benefit from #digitaltherapeutics https://j.mp/3244H5B @MedTechDaily #Data #BigData #ML #AI #NLP #Flutter #serverless #DataScience #RStats #IoT #IIoT #Analytics #DigitalHealth #EHR #EMR #publichealth #telehealth #biotech #pharma @sonu_monika
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
#medicaldevice leader @Medtronic joins race to bring AI to #healthcare https://venturebeat.com/2021/10/22/how-medtronic-is-leading-the-charge-into-a-new-era-of-health-care-technology/ via @VentureBeat #artificialintelligence #telehealth #AI #NLP #MachineLearning #Analytics #BigData #Serverless #flutter #EHR #EmergingTech #EMR #HealthTech #DigitalHealth @sonu_monika
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
Can tech solve the UK #radiology staffing shortage? https://www.medicaldevice-network.com/features/tech-uk-radiologist-shortage/ via @MedicalTechMag #DigitalHealth #telehealth #AI #NLP #MachineLearning #Analytics #BigData #Serverless #flutter #EHR #EmergingTech #EMR #HealthTech #healthequity #primarycare #diagnosis @sonu_monika
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
A.I. Breakthrough Could Disrupt the $11 Trillion Medical Sector https://finance.yahoo.com/news/breakthrough-could-disrupt-11-trillion-233000483.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&tsrc=twtr #innovation #DigitalHealth #telehealth #AI #MachineLearning #Analytics #BigData #Serverless #flutter #EHR #EmergingTech #EMR #DataSecurity #HealthTech #technology #healthequity @sonu_monika
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
Why AI & Human Intelligence Must Work Together In Medicine https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/10/13/why-ai-and-human-intelligence-must-work-together-in-medicine/ #AI #NLP #MachineLearning #Analytics #BigData #DataScience #Serverless #flutter #telehealth #EHR #Virtualcare #EmergingTech #EMR #DataSecurity #healthequity #health #PatientCare @sonu_monika
@Analytics_699 2 years ago
Using #AI & Old reports to track Medical images ( MIT ) ▶️ #Analytics #MachineLearning #AI #Python #Rstats #Reactjs #IoT #IIoT #ML #Linux #Serverless #flutter #javascript #TensorFlow #BigData #CloudComputing #mHealth #TeleHealth #HealthIT #100DaysOfCode https://bit.ly/3D2I8eS https://t.co/mNjPkeEDQo
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
How eDOT Technologies Help Improve #Medication Adherence via @HealthTechMag https://healthtechmagazine.net/article/2021/08/how-edot-technologies-help-improve-medication-adherence #ArtificialIntelligence #Data #BigData #ML #Python #TensorFlow #Flutter #HealthTech #IoT #IIoT #Analytics #telehealth #MachineLearning #startups #DigitalHealth #AI @sonu_monika
@R_Demidchuk 3 years ago
In times of growth of digital medicine, here is the complete digital health market map shared by @CBInsights #DigitalTransformation #MachineLearning #BigData #ArtificialIntelligence #cybersecurity #Blockchain #DX #Analytics #Industry40 #AI #IIoT #DataScience #IoT #Telehealth https://t.co/90rTd6oVlT
@Analytics_699 3 years ago
How #future of #healthcare getting more virtual ▶️ #Analytics #HealthTech #CDC #AI #IoMT #telehealth #Medicare #IoT #IIoT #AR #Java #TensorFlow #5G #Rstats #reactjs #DataScience #BigData #CloudComputing #Coding #WomenWhoCode #programming #100DaysOfCode https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2020-07-30/navigating-the-virtual-future-of-health-care
@CoreMetabolic 7 years ago
What are "ZOMBIES in DIGITAL HEALTH"? http://www.forbes.com/sites/davechase/2016/05/18/why-98-of-digital-health-startups-are-zombies-and-what-they-can-do-about-it/#6907c1a068f3 #mhealth #bigdata #healthtech #iot #ai #tech #digitalhealth #analytics #tech
@JohnSnowLabs 7 years ago
Why #HealthCare Innovation Lags #HealthIT #mhealth #healthdata #BigData #Analytics #DataOps http://bit.ly/2aHre95 https://t.co/rJjmDiaCNX
@PLarroye 7 years ago
How #BigData and #HPC can help to fight against #Alzheimers ? => http://klou.tt/qhcg5v9o3jlp #AI #Analytics #deeplearning #ehealth #mhealth
@JohnSnowLabs 7 years ago
#BigData & #Analytics for Healthcare #HealthIT #eHealth #DigitalHealth #MHealth #Medtech - http://bit.ly/28W7GjI https://t.co/DuQpfRzQ3d