@sonu_monika 2 years ago
Critical Building Block of #MLOps https://thenewstack.io/model-server-the-critical-building-block-of-mlops/ #TechForGood #MWC22 #javascript #NLP #DataScience #Flutter #serverless #sensors #100DaysOfCode #5G #python #Wearable #womenintech #sensors #5G #ML #publichealth #AI #femtech #tech #medicine #digitalhealth @sonu_monika
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
#digitalhealth Compliance Considerations https://www.sidley.com/en/insights/newsupdates/2022/03/digital-health-compliance-considerations-revenue-models-and-patient-incentives #TechForGood #MWC22 #javascript #NLP #DataScience #Flutter #serverless #100DaysOfCode #python #Wearable #womenintech #publichealth #HealthForAll #healthtech #AI #femtech #tech #ethics #medicine #5G #ML @sonu_monika
@sallyeaves 3 years ago
Advancing Personalised #medicine with #AI New #research to improve #cancer prediction specifically breast cancer shows promise #data available on #github here http://bit.ly/MLMedicine #MachineLearning #ML #coding #TechForGood #health #technology #Python #IoT #NLP #DeepLearning https://t.co/RxOC2WksHp
@BojanaVukov 4 years ago
These #robots are fighting the #coronavirus Via @DigitalTrends #robotics #jobs #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #ML #MachineLearning #DL #DeepLearning #ComputerVision #engineering #datahacker #tech #video #Covid19 #medicine #HealtCare #HealtTech #TechForGood https://t.co/c72AthDAkc
@davorjord 4 years ago
These #robots are fighting the #coronavirus Via @DigitalTrends #robotics #jobs #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #ML #MachineLearning #DL #DeepLearning #ComputerVision #engineering #datahacker #tech #video #Covid19 #medicine #HealtCare #HealtTech #TechForGood https://t.co/hyiOM3tIPF