@DisfoldDotCom 1 year ago
RT @Khulood_Almani: 🫶 13 #medical advances that are changing lives #TechForGood #innovation #tech #coding #business #100DaysOfCode #Nodejs #Bot #DataScience #Bigdata #Python #javascript #AI #Programming #flutter #IoT #TensorFlow #twitme #WomenInSTE… https://t.co/Rg5OscYLi0
@Khulood_Almani 1 year ago
🫶 13 #medical advances that are changing lives #TechForGood #innovation #tech #coding #business #100DaysOfCode #Nodejs #Bot #DataScience #Bigdata #Python #javascript #AI #Programming #flutter #IoT #TensorFlow #twitme #WomenInSTEM #Marketing #Web3 #5G https://t.co/jRKpdMbp3y
@sonu_monika 2 years ago
1. #Data is the third window into #humanity (after the telescope and microscope), 2. #Innovation lives in the continuum of wonder and fear. 3. #Tech itself has become smartest person in the room. #AI #digitalhealth #medicine #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #AUTOMATION https://twitter.com/JohnNosta/status/1402611217051570176
@NancyTr83158469 3 years ago
⭕️This is how Japanese ingenuity saving lives by using #AI #algorithms! Via @abhishek__AI #healthcare #HealthTech #DataScience #ML #Medical #Futurework #engineering #innovations #Health #data #tech #FemTech #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfMLCode https://twitter.com/abhishek__AI/status/1353699061984059392
@DavidPraiseKalu 4 years ago
This #AI tool can spot breast cancer early to save lives. #ArtificialIntelligence #ML #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #tech #technology #medicine #healtcare #research #science https://t.co/Tio5Owli9T
@BojanaVukov 4 years ago
This #AI tool can spot breast cancer early to save lives. @SiddharthC_AI @LouisSerge @MozejkoMarcin @JorgeRoman #ArtificialIntelligence #ML #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #tech #technology #medicine #healtcare #research #science #video https://t.co/o8KHSfMLEt