@HIPAAEx 5 years ago
Week in #Ransomware - July 6 - Nozelesn & GandCrab V4 #EMR #IOT #bigdata #hitsm #CyberSecurity #Fintech #hacked #HIPAA #CIO #CEO #CISO #doctors #hospital #Hospitals #Dentist #Physicians #infosec #business #pinksocks #martech #MedicalDevices #medical #sysadmin #SmallBiz @usmayors
@jameyedwards 6 years ago
Excited to be representing #pinksocks at @FortuneMagazine @bstormhealth. From the future of food to #bigdata, #PrecisionMedicine to #AI and from #meditation to #telemedicine, the future of #healthcare will be thoroughly explored! #hcldr #innovation #medicine #DesignThinking https://t.co/NTYQH7RxDU
@natarpr 6 years ago
Thrilled! Teaching class on "System Foundations in #DataScience #AI " at #Stanford Univ School of Medicine Fall '17 Wearing my #pinksocks https://t.co/KpEwv9woD0