@_M_Dey 3 years ago
Digital twins could lead to more proactive, personalized medicine, researchers say | #HealthCare #DataScience #LifeSciences #DigitalTwin #PersonalizedMedicine #BioTech #MedTech #MachineLearning https://bit.ly/2OiLzKN
@theWittySquare 3 years ago
I am happy to announce that my laboratory is now officially associated with the the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology @BIMSB_MDC. Looking forward to new opportunities #datascience #personalizedMedicine #lifesciences https://thewittysquare.eu/
@kmborgwardt 4 years ago
I am listening to the audiobook version of @EricTopol's #DeepMedicine on the way to work these days. It's a very inspiring book for anyone working in the field, outlining a clear vision for the use of #MachineLearning in #Medicine. #DeepLearning #PersonalizedMedicine
@j_sgalan 4 years ago
Amazing talks in day two of the @EulacPermed Technical Workshop: Innovative methodologies for data use and management in PerMed Research @ANIIuy Montevideo, Uruguay #MachineLearning #genomics #networks applied to #medicine #PrecisionMedicine #personalizedmedicine https://t.co/cFsVVdFFi0
@SwissCognitive 4 years ago
The #ArtificialIntelligence-powered model may help improve treatment and understanding of #Crohn’s disease. #MachineLearning #MedicalResearch #PersonalizedMedicine http://ow.ly/kPxa30pZlqC
@MarylynRitchie 5 years ago
Phenomenal program coming together for the Personalized Medicine conference: https://www.fusion-conferences.com/conference/91 . Registration deadline May 9th. #personalizedmedicine #PrecisionMedicine #MachineLearning #pharmacogenomics https://t.co/HXyS9kux1s
@lifebitAI 5 years ago
Researchers say junk #DNA is key to advancing #medicine http://bit.ly/2RNcXMB #genomics #genetics #bioinformatics #bigdata #precisionmedicine #personalizedmedicine https://t.co/iJd6FvAory
@KirkDBorne 6 years ago
The digital signals that a person or process produces can represent a type of unique "DNA" for that entity. Well, this type of DNA (from #IoT sensors on medical patients) will drive #PersonalizedMedicine to better outcomes: https://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com/iot-agenda/iot-for-me-how-the-internet-of-things-is-personalizing-medicine/ #BigData #DatScience #Blockchain https://t.co/X9ANuptitC
@NickJustinian 7 years ago
Will next-gen #Medical #ChatBots manage your future family's #Bioinfomatics or #PersonalizedMedicine?… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/862472721749422081
@DigitalSalutem 7 years ago
#Genomics #personalizedmedicine #bigdata #VR #AR the future of #Hospitals #eHealth #WoHIT #digitalhealth #HealthIT https://t.co/F4Gg33jDYu
@pmentzinis 8 years ago
#BigData in medicine: common language is still lacking - #interoperability #personalizedmedicine http://www.aerztezeitung.de/su/913320.html#.V1-V-26peFs.twitter
@SAP_JamyJam 8 years ago
#analytics & #personalizedmedicine – The Tip Of The Iceberg! #BigData #healthcare #medicine http://www.digitalistmag.com/digital-economy/2016/03/14/analytics-personalized-medicine-tip-of-iceberg-04073939 https://t.co/wJ1Jj04Sof